First days are always very hard...
but i have no idea that it could be so hard that i got a really serious head ache
which made me wanted to puke literally.
I was there at 850 and my 1st class started at 900
with no books in my hand, with no schedule in file...
I went in anyway..
It was a pre-esl program, kids are still young and pure, some of them so it was easy to just play with them..
but we actually did have some work to catch....
then, the following were 3 kindy classes, K3 K1 and a K2
K3 was fine, we played, K1 didn't go so well, becaue they were still crying,
and the K2's are naughty, and just like Debbie said, it's okay. they are still small...
But it was a very tiring morning already.
Lunch time, I had to coop in the kitchen to have lunch which i really didn't like...
Nap time, I cooped with the aunties, and i accidently stole one of the aunty's bed :P
and she wasn't happy about it..
Then, in the afternoon. I had 3 straight hours ESL classes, which, I had no idea what I should teach
and what's the progress.. I went in .. the smallest class was 18 people, which was OK...
because they were older, then there was one with 28 *now 29* people
they talked, and played.. but not many of them paid attention...
The day was horriable ...
at the end of day, I was noticed that I need to teach two more hours when, originally was my office hour.
It's hard to work at this place..
PS something interesting is that two of the boys i knew for they are from one of jason's friend